Subsidy projects

Funded projects

To speed up the development of the seaweed industry, Hortimare is involved in many promising projects. By collaborating and focussing on the real challenges, the seaweed industry has been able to develop. In the next ten years it is anticipated that the seaweed industry will develop much faster. This is thanks to the many project initiatives throughout the world.

These programs provide Hortimare with extra possibilities to enhance research results and explore the world of seaweed to deeper extents. Therefore we are very grateful for the opportunities given to us by formentioned organisations and would like to thank them greatly for their support and their trust in our organisation and commitment to our projects.

Current Projects

Project NameSubsidy Provider/TypeDuration of ProjectProject Information
SeaSolvNWO (Dutch Research Council)01-09-2022 / 30-08-2026WUR website
SeaSeedsNWO (Dutch Research Council)01-06-2022 / 31-05-2026NWO website
From Sea to Society (FS2S)NWO (Dutch Research Council)01-08-2022 / 31-07-2026NWO website
ULTFARMSHorizon MISS 2021 Ocean 0401-01-2023 / 31-07-2026
ZeewierseederProvincie Zuid Holland01-01-2023 / 31-12-2024North Sea Farmers
Huiro regenerativoCORFO18-12-2023 / 01-08-2029Huiro Regenerativo
COMBO EU RIA Horizon 202301-01-2024 / 01-01-2027 News item
Zeewierteelt op land
met zout grondwater
Northern Netherlands Alliance16-01-2024 / 12-02-2026Seaweedland
Ontwikkeling Zeewierproducten op LandNorthern Netherlands Alliance08-07-2024 / 27-02 -2026Seaweedland
Seaweed Spore AdhesiveTopconsortia voor Kennis & Innovatie voor biobased economy (TKI BBE)04-7-2024 / 4-7-2026TKI BBE

A selection of completed Projects

Project NameSubsidy Provider/TypeDuration of ProjectProject Information
Aqua Valley ReloadedEuropese Unie/Op Zuid/Provincie Zeeland01-04-2021 / 31-12-2023
MacroCascadeH2020 – EU01-10-2016 /
Zeewier HatcheryRVO The Netherlands &
EU Fisheries Department
03-09-2012 / 31-08-2015 click on this link for the report
MacroSystemsARPA-E (under subcontracting
of Ocean Rain Forest)
05-12-2017 /
PROMACNorsk Forskningsrådet01-01-2015 /
SeaRefineryInnovasjon Norge01-11-2015 –
ZEEVIVORAAK01-09-2015 /
MACROSEAResearch Council of Norway01-01-2016 / 31-12-
MAB4Innovation Fund Denmark01-05-2016 /
MIPnot applicable02-04-2017 /

Project Department

Financial status reports on current projects may be requested by consortia partners via e-mail from the project department. Consortia who are interested to work with Hortimare in new projects are also requested to contact the project department.

E: Suzan Vellekoop T: +31 72 888 8767